Dragon Ball Z / GT
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A-19´s Card

in Dragon Ball Z / GT characters

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A-19 is a total robot, so, he has not a human base. He has a very peculiar phisical appearance. His skin is absolutely white, like a clown make up, and a suit and a hat complete his funny appearance.

On the other hand we find a very cold and distant android, showing only feelings when he is totally afraid of Vegeta.

Dr. Gero built A-19 weaker than the other androids, to have him in control easily. But he gave him a special mechanism on the palm of his hands that make him capable to absorb energy from his oponents simply putting his hands over their skin. Moreover, he wanted him to be obedient, and he built him with an incredibly inteligence, that lately allowed himself to become a scientist and a surgeon that would transform the human body of Dr. Gero into the new android A-20, included a brain transplant. In fact, this was de initial objective he was built for, and later Dr. Gero gave him habilities to fight.

Another characteristic of A-19 is that, like A-20, he has a brain that everybody can see behind his hat, in a cristal semi-dome. In the case of A-19 it is a mechanic brain but the one in A-20 is a human one, it is Dr. Gero´s brain.


A-19 appears for the first time in Amembo city, exactly in the place where Mirai No Trunks told that Dr. Gero killer robots will appear. The only thing that was wrong was that Mirai No Trunks had forecasted the appearance of A-17 and A-18, and in their place appeared A-19 and A-20, two androids that he doesn´t know anything about.

Z-Warriors were waiting and looking for the androids but they couldn´t feel the KI and the androids called their attention attacking Yajirobai´s aircar. Later, they find Yamcha, who suffers a terrible defeat by A-20 and he almost dies.

After that, once they find the rest of Z-Warriors and having chosen a new place to fight, A-19 wants to defeat Son Goku, who accepts the challenge.

Son Goku is very confident of himself after his victory against Freezer in Namek, and his hability to become a Super Saiya-jin, and having even several more years to train. In fact, in the first moments of the battle, Son Goku´s transformation in Super Saiya-jin surprises the two androids, that didn´t expected it, but they show aparently calm.

Son Goku starts a quick combat to defeat A-19 as soon as possible, and for a few moments it seems that Goku takes a clear advantage that worries Dr. Gero (A-20). However, Piccolo y Son Gohan notice that something is wrong and Son Goku is not fighting as well as he ussually does.

Then, Son Goku begins to have problems to keep his breath, and he realizes that he´s beeing affected by the cardiac sickness that Mirai No Trunks said he was affected in Namek. Things get worst when Son Goku throws a Kame Hame Ha over A-19, and far away from damaging him, it gives him a lot of energy to absorb with the palm of his hands and recover from his wounds. This makes Son Goku feel even more exhausted.

Tras esto, el androide toma la iniciativa castigando a Son Goku con dureza, y poco después cuando le tiene tendido en el suelo, indefenso, trata de absorber las pocas energías que le quedan. Sin embargo, en ese momento aparece Vegeta de la nada, y de una patada aleja a A-19 del cuerpo de Son Goku, dejándole la huella tatuada en la cara.

Tras unos momentos de tranquilidad, en los que Son Goku es entregado a los otros Z-Warriors para que sea atendido, Vegeta cuenta lo que ha sido su entrenamiento en los últimos años, y como ha vuelto a convertirse, metafóricamente hablando, en el príncipe de los Saiya-jin. Tras esta introducción, se transforma en Super Saiya-jin ante los ojos del resto por primera vez, dejándoles atónitos.

Los androides no se muestran sorprendidos después de haber visto a Son Goku hacer lo mismo, y tener sus reservas de energía al máximo, pero Vegeta está totalmente confiado en sus posibilidades.

Pronto da comienzo un combate, totalmente desequilibrado con ventaja para Vegeta, que muestra una brutalidad total en sus golpes, como si deseara hacer añicos a golpes a A-19. En este punto, A-19 se empieza a sentir atemorizado, y tras un ataque potente de Vegeta en el que queda semi-enterrado, finge estar inconsciente, sorprendiendo a Vegeta y agarrándole con las palmas de sus manos cuando se acerca a él. De este modo, el androide espera robar la energía del Saiya-jin y equilibrar de nuevo la balanza.

Vegeta, totalmente tranquilo, deja que el androide intente llevar a cabo su plan, lo que le permite conocer de que modo absorben la energía. Unos instantes después, decide que ya es suficiente, y mientras A-19 le sujeta por las muñecas, él apoya sus pies contra la cara del androide. Con un forcejeo, se impulsa hacia fuera, provocando que las manos de A-19 se descoyunten, y queden separadas de su cuerpo, aún agarradas a las muñecas de Vegeta.

Ésto hace sentir verdadero terror a A-19, que se ve totalmente perdido, por lo que decide salir huyendo. Sin embargo, la naturaleza de Vegeta le impide que las cosas terminen de este modo, por lo que asciende en el aire y prepara su nuevo ataque: el Big Bang.

Tras unos instantes de acumulación de energía, Vegeta dispara una gran bola explosiva de energía, que impacta contra A-19, haciéndole saltar en pedazos, salvándose únicamente la inerte cabeza. Es el fin de A-19, el mayor éxito en androides de tipo robot total del Dr. Gero, hacia quien Vegeta dirige ahora su mirada...

Muchos años después, en Dragon Ball GT, A-19 consigue escapar del infierno junto a otros villanos, pero es fácilmente derrotado y mandado de vuelta por Son Goten y Trunks.

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